Effective tools for educators and others to teach morals utilising The Way to Happiness precepts have been developed through three decades of experience.
Public service announcements (PSAs) spread the message broadly, and a book-on-film is used widely by teachers, professors, business executives, law enforcement, community leaders, doctors, lawyers, correctional officers and clergy to help others lead happier and more honest lives through application of the precepts of The Way to Happiness.
- 1. Take care of yourself.
- 2. Be temperate.
- 3. Don’t be promiscuous.
- 4. Love and help children.
- 5. Honour and help your parents.
- 6. Set a good example.
- 7. Seek to live with the truth.
- 8. Do not murder.
- 9. Don’t do anything illegal.
- 10. Support a government designed and run for all the people.
- 11. Do not harm a person of good will.
- 12. Safeguard and improve your environment.
- 13. Do not steal.
- 14. Be worthy of trust.
- 15. Fulfil your obligations.
- 16. Be industrious.
- 17. Be competent.
- 18. Respect the religious beliefs of others.
- 19. Try not to do things to others that you would not like them to do to you.
- 20. Try to treat others as you would want them to treat you.
- 21. Flourish and prosper.
As L. Ron Hubbard noted when he authored The Way to Happiness, the broad application of these 21 precepts will restore the bonds that unite humankind.